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Undergraduate Research Opportunities

The School of Engineering and Computer Science offers a wide variety of opportunities for undergraduate research.

Position Available: A Cybersecurity-related Research Assistant Position

Position Description

An hourly paid student assistant position is now available to develop cybersecurity-related hands-on labs on the top of a cloud infrastructure. You will have the opportunity to accomplish the following tasks throughout this project:

  • Develop virtual laboratory and virtual network in the cloud;
  • Develop malware for the cloud infrastructure and Android;
  • Perform intrusion detection and digital forensics; and
  • Use advanced crypto software and tools.

Position Requirements
An ideal candidate is expected to have:

  • A Strong motivation of doing guided research;
  • A Master or Bachelor student in CS, IT, ECE, or a relevant discipline;
  • Strong hands-on experiences in ethical hacking and cybersecurity-related projects;
  • Strong C/Java/Python programming skills;
  • Good standing in Networking, Operating Systems, Data Structure, and Computer Architecture;
  • Good technical writing skills; and
  • Previous research experience in cybersecurity and cryptography is a plus.

Please provide your CV, transcript, writing/code samples, to Dr. Anyi Liu Email: anyiliu@technestng.com. Tel: (248) 370-2137)

The Computer Science and Engineering Department at Oakland University invites students to apply to its ninth summer of an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduate students. Students who are selected to participate in the Undergraduate Computer Research Program (UnCoRe) will be immersed in a research environment under the mentoring of CSE faculty.

This program is a full-time comprehensive educational experience targeted to women and minorities in particular. It should be understood by the students that this position is not merely a summer job, but rather an educational experience where the students are treated as junior colleagues.

Program features

  • 10 weeks full time research program.
  • Research in teams of 2 under close supervision by CSE faculty.
  • Variety of research topics available in Intelligent Information Engineering.
  • Students receive a stipend of $5,000, meal allowance, and travel subsidy for either travel to and from the program or to attend a conference.
  • Housing subsidy will be provided for students staying on campus.

Program requirements

  • Open to all non-graduating undergraduate students (US citizens and permanent residents) with an interest in Computer Science and Engineering.
  • Students cannot be working or taking classes at the same time.
  • Students will be selected based on statement of interest, letters of recommendation and a phone interview.

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oakland University will be hosting Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Electrical and Computer Engineering (IREECE), a 10-week summer program for undergraduates to experience research and development in cutting-edge interdisciplinary projects in various areas of electrical and computer engineering. Projects include land and aerial robotics, biomedical engineering, antennas, medical imaging technologies, and other engaging research project. Special emphasis will be placed on interactions with external collaborators from the surrounding industry. We are seeking 10 talented and motivated undergraduate students to participate in this exciting opportunity. No prior research experience is required!

Program Highlights:
  • Paid summer research experience ($5,000 + food, housing, & travel allowance) 
  • One-on-one interactions with faculty & industry mentors 
  • Industrial and research lab tours 
  • Seminars on related topics by experts in the field 
  • Information about graduate school, engineering and research careers 
  • Opportunity to improve communication skills 
  • Friendships and mentoring relationships 
  • A great learning experience and a lot of fun!!

Grants for female programmers to attend Hacker School
Etsy is sponsoring grants for female programmers to attend Hacker School. 
Hacker School is a New York-based project described by its founders (David Albert, Nicholas Bergson-Shilcock, and Sonali Sridhar) as “a three-month, immersive school for becoming a better programmer. It’s like a writers’ retreat for hackers.”

Today, in conjunction with Hacker School, Etsy is announcing a new scholarship and sponsorship program for women in technology who want to join but need financial support to do so.

CRA's URO Zone Connects Students with Opportunities for Undergraduate Research
The Computing Research Association (CRA) recently launched a website to help undergraduate students identify computing research opportunities. The site— URO Zone, for Undergraduate Research Opportunities—provides links to a range of summer undergraduate research resources. It also posts profiles of undergraduates and details their recent computing research projects. URO Zone offers guidelines to help discover research opportunities in a variety of areas, from applied to theoretical computer science. It also defines specific research fields, describes CRA and ACM undergraduate awards programs, and lists links for finding computing research opportunities. 

ACM-W Student Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences
The ACM Women's Council (ACM-W), with funding from Wipro Technologies, provides support for women undergraduate or graduate students in computer science and related programs who wish to attend research conferences. The student does not have to present a paper at the conference she attends. High school students will also be considered for conference support. As of 2011, 20 ACM-W/Wipro scholarships are funded annually: 10 scholarships of up to $600 will be awarded for intra-continental conference travel, and 10 scholarships of up to $1,200 will be awarded for intercontinental conference travel. ACM-W encourages the student's home department to match the scholarship award and recognize the student's achievement locally within her department. In addition, if the award is for attendance at one of several ACM special interest group conferences (SIGACCESS, SIGACT, SIGARCH, SIGCOMM, SIGCSE, SIGDA, SIGECOM, SIGSOFT, SIGGRAPH, SIGITE, SIGOPS, and SIGPLAN), the SIG will provide complimentary conference registration and a mentor during the conference. Applications are evaluated in six groups each year, in order to distribute awards across a range of conferences. For application form, notification dates and more information, please visit the  scholarships page.

The Automotive and Energy Research and Industrial Mentorship Program at Oakland University is targeted to talented women and minority undergraduate students interested in working on exciting automotive research projects, in such fields as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, energy and/or tribology.

School of Engineering and Computer Science

Engineering Center, Room 301
115 Library Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-447
(location map)
Dean's Office (248) 370-2217
Academic Advising (248) 370-2201

School of Engineering and Computer Science

Engineering Center, Room 301
115 Library Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-447
(location map)
Dean's Office (248) 370-2217
Academic Advising (248) 370-2201